Selasa, 10 Januari 2017


I tried to listen to this certain channel on radio, and thought that I might as well share it’s content here. I got a few things this time, so this post might be quite long I warned you.
Firstly, they talked a bit about idioms, like what exactly are idioms, how does one pronounce it and such. According to them, an idiom is a group of words strung together in certain order in which meaning cannot be predictable from the meaning of it’s constituent words separately and how do you pronounce the word, well, this is where the voice feature of google translate comes in handy and there I just used an idiom, applause to me, please, okay just kidding. Next, of course, they gave us some idioms, two in total actually. The idioms are “Read someone like a book” and “Blood, sweat, tears” respectively. As for the meanings of those idioms, for you who are lazy to look for their meanings, don’t worry, I’ll tell you the meaning of those idioms, no sweat, just thank me later, okay? My lame jokes aside, “read someone like an open book” means “understanding someone completely”, understanding in a sense as if you can exactly read their mind, predict their actions without any magic or whatsover. While “blood, sweat and tears” means “struggling through things with some difficulties”. For the example of usage of those idioms, actually, you can find it anywhere if you read enough books (mainly novels) in English language.
Next, there was a really important news about someone who made a new shocking world record that no humans could ever match. A man named Simon Berry (24 y.o), this amazing guy succeeded on breaking the fourth wall by jumping from 75 meter high just for dipping a biscuit into a cup of tea. A record worthy of trophy, no?
Next segment talked about “Idol Worship”, obviously, it was about teenagers who loved their idols so much that they are ready to die for them. I won’t specify whom I talked about because of obvious reasons. So, basically they were talking about how fanatic people could be when they are trying to show their love toward their idols. Some are ready to cut their wrists for their idols, perform plastic surgery, etc. Talk about being too fanatic. I these kind of things are idiotic, because of obvious reasons that I won’t specify because people might get offended by my words.
Well, I think that’s it, see you next time, people!

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