Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

Two Things That I Have to Bring Everywhere I Go

Hai guys, at this time I want to discuss two items that I can not leave at the time of going traveling or I carry it where i go The thing  i always carry where i go is a wallet and its contents and mobile phone. Now we discuss one by one item - the goods earlier.

First, we discussed about the wallet, these items can not I leave when I am traveling because in my wallet save money and important correspondence such as vehicle registration and others. If I do not carry a wallet and its contents then the fear will continue to exist in the mind, the main fear when you do not carry a wallet and its contents, it is when there is a raid of motor vehicles lol spooky, especially my situation today is far from parents and definitely looking for help will be difficult than when we lived with parents, friends around us might be able to help but we can not bother them always right? Could be affected by the raid when our friend no one can help at all, so while you can minimize possibility netted motor vehicle we should always bring a letter - complete correspondence.

And the second item is mobile phones, this stuff always take wherever I go because if things happen that we do not want or we no purpose with others then we can contact them via phone or just send a short message. Can you imagine for yourself what if not bring mobile phones how anxious that can be felt, as human beings we must always guard against it - a dangerous thing that could happen anywhere and anytime, this is where the mobile phone is very important. But do not forget to also carry a cell phone when the contents of the one pulse or packet data, do not just bring a cell phone that can only be played for a game, yes hehehe
Well, that's two things that I always carried everywhere I would go, and thanks for that you have read and visit this blog, do not ever get bored to visit my blog J

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